4 Facts About Zombie Flamingoes and MNC

Did you happen to see any Zombie flamingoes littering the yards of your neighbors this past Halloween?

These bizarre yard decorations were selling off the shelf as the latest Amazon craze.

Four facts about these freakish flamingoes reveal the amazing health and hope I see at Metro North Church.

Fact 1:  A zombie flamingo does not have a pulse. 
(Really.  Go and try to find one.  I dare you.)

  • The Pulse of MNC:  Metro North is pulsating with an overflowing desire to GO and share Jesus with every man, women and child in Berkeley County.

Fact 2:  A zombie flamingo does not have a temperature.  (Really.  Try to take one and you will get the same reading over and over --“cold and dead.”)

  • The Temperature of MNC:  When our extended church family gathers for worship and then for more intimate community in our small groups, the temperature is cozy-warm.  Boiling might be a better descriptor for the gatherings of our people doing life together.

Fact 3:  A zombie flamingo does not have a blood pressure.  (Go ahead and steal grandpa’s blood pressure cuff and Velcro it around one of the zombie legs.  I guarantee you will not register a pressure.)

  • The Blood Pressure or pressing priority of MNC is centered on growing in grace and compassion as a family on mission together.  

Fact 4:  A zombie flamingo does not breathe.  (Go ahead and hug one.  You won’t feel those flamingo lungs breathing in and out.)

  • While so many religions offer rest and breathing space after you give your efforts and energy to meet many conditions, MNC offers “acceptance with eternal rest” based on the perfect performance of Christ.  Eternal acceptance allows us the freedom to breathe.  We give because we have been given to.

As your new pastor, I’m sure glad our church does not resemble a zombie flamingo.

  • May our new website and pastor’s blog spur you to take flight in the going, gathering, growing, giving, transforming grace of God.

And one more thing.  If you actually bought a zombie flamingo, you are as odd as your pastor who actually writes about such crazy things.  Don’t feel ashamed…I like you already.

Pastor Howard
Senior Pastor
Metro North Church

David Kennedy

Chicago-based website developer that loves Squarespace. Mediaspace.co


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