4.14.2019 The Gospel According to Daniel - God's Preparation for the Battle
A great spiritual conflict occurs every moment of everyday 24/7. We are sometimes aware of it and sometimes oblivious to it. Our anxiety can consume us if we aren’t aware how God helps us to remember his holiness, protection, and love for us in the midst of the conflict. Listen in as we hear the gospel of grace from Daniel 10-11 and learn about God’s preparation for us in the battle.
4.7.2019 The Gospel According to Daniel - You are Greatly Loved
Confession scrubs our souls clean from a dirty conscience and yet we prefer to cover our faults rather than than expose them to our merciful God. Listen in as we hear the gospel of grace from Daniel 9 and learn about coming clean in Christ.
3.31.2019 The Gospel According to Daniel - See and Hear Hope
See and Hear Hope: Ever notice how your vision of the future influences your life in the present? Often what we see on the horizon flavors our present for good or for bad. Listen in as we take a look at Daniel's vision of the future of cosmic reality from Daniel 8.
3.24.2019 The Gospel According to Daniel - Forever, Forever and Ever
What do you do when uncontrollable, insurmountable forces of evil threaten your life? Listen in as we look into Daniel 7 and find a Savior who can and does overcome evil with good.
3.17.2019 The Gospel According to Daniel - God is Present with His People
God is present with us in the midst of difficult circumstances. He is always there guiding us by His spirit, through prayer, and as we depend on Christ. Listen in as we hear the gospel according to Daniel and find that God’s ongoing presence in our life makes the difference through Jesus Christ.
3.10.2019 The Gospel According to Daniel - God Judges
Wherever we turn the world seems so wrong. What or who can put it to rights again? Listen in as we hear the gospel according to Daniel and find that God the judge puts everything wrong right again, through Jesus.
3.03.2019. The Gospel According to Daniel - God Rules
Have you ever met someone who thought they were "large and in charge?" Most of us know someone who struggles with narcissism and all of us become self-centered at one time or another. Listen in as Daniel 4 describes Nebuchadnezzar the narcissist and how God can change the most prideful man with grace. Grace always flows downhill.
2.24.2019 The Gospel According to Daniel - God Frees
Have you ever had to take an unpopular stand that got you into some really hot water? Have you ever thought about Jesus Christ taking a stand for you so that you could be free forever from the heat of eternal suffering? Listen in as we learn about the gospel from Daniel 3.
2.17.2019 The Gospel According to Daniel - God Knows
Ever had a recurring nightmare? Often our dreams are related to deep-seated anxiety. Listen in on this talk from Daniel chapter 2 as we encounter the God of heaven who understands our anxieties and brings a kingdom of peace.
2.10.2019 The Gospel According to Daniel - God Gave
Most people are both familiar and unfamiliar with the dramatic book of Daniel. Though Daniel may look like a hero, the real hero ends up being the sovereign God. Listen in as we jump into this story's first chapter and find the good news of Jesus.
2.03.2019 I Can't Believe In A God Who - Naively Ignores Science
Listen in as we hear a message that addresses this question: "How can I believe in a God whose Bible naively ignores science?". Romans 1: 16-23 will help us see the Bible not only confirms science, it upholds it.
1.27.2019 I Can't Believe In A God Who - Claims He's True
Listen in as we hear a message that addresses this question: "How can I believe in a God who claims that his truth is the exclusive truth?". 1 Corinthians 15:1-6 will be the starting point for answering this honest question.
1.20.2019 I Can't Believe In A God Who - Hates Sexual Sinners
Does God hate sexual sinners? Listen in as Romans 1 shines light into this controversial question that gets answered with the gospel.
1.13.2019 I Can't Believe in A God Who - Picked A Faulty Bible
The next time someone says "I can't believe in a God who would give us a faulty book" have them listen in on this...
12.30.18 I Can't Believe In A God Who - Whose Followers Are Hypocritical
Discover how we often rely on our own hypocritical actions, rather than Christ’s righteousness and miss living out the heart of the Gospel.
12.23.18 GodSend - Jesus Prayed For You
Discover the final requests Jesus made to his father which focused on unity, community, and mission
12.16.18 Godsend - Two Requests
Jesus asks his Father for two huge gifts for his followers and then becomes the very gift of God to save sinners. Listen in on this message from John 17:14-19.