Paul reminds the church at Corinth that their continual search for significance causes division. This disunity can only be resolved through understanding their acceptance in Christ Jesus.
God gives us wisdom for living to His people by the power of the Holy Spirit and His Word - the Bible.
9.22.19 Upside Down Kingdom - Madness of the Message
Paul reminds the Corinthian church that power or intelligence wasn’t the means of their rescue but Christ, crucified!
9.8.19 (RE)Discover the Church - Missional Community - Colossions 4:2-6
Have you ever wondered how to put the great commission into practice? Or what it really means to be “missional” and how does that work in my every day life?
9.1.19 (Re)Discover the Church - A Covenant Community Hebrews 10:12-25
Hebrews 10 reminds us of the blessing we receive in our covenant with God and how we should live in response to them.
8.11.19 (Re)Discover the Church - A Kingdom Community
Listen as we discover three qualities that mark a Kingdom community.
8.4.19 (Re)Discover the Church - A Gospel Community
Listen as John Schley begins our new series, (Re)Discover the Church. This series will help us identify some of the ways the church can be described.
7.21.19 Side by Side - Enter His Rest TODAY!
Warning signs on the highway are there to protect us from potential dangers ahead. God in His love gives us warnings in Scripture to protect us and guide how we live.
7.14.2019 Side by Side - Freedom for Family
Listen as Danny Clark discusses how a true gospel family is marked by practices of freedom.
6.30.2019 Side by Side - Basic Christianity
Listen as Nate Arnold continues our Side by Side series referencing Colossians 3:12-17.
6.23.2019 Side by Side - The Need to Be Reminded
Listen in as Danny Clark starts off our new series “Side by Side”.
6.16.2019 For the City - Good News For the City
See how God uses an unlikely prophet to accomplish his purposes and at the same time serve to change his heart. What might he want to change in you?
6.9.2019 For the City - Broken For the City
In Jonah 3 God shows mercy and grace to an entire city. He loves to see his people respond to him in repentance!
6.2.2019 For the City - Jonah's Journal
Have you ever felt "in over your head" and unable to deliver yourself from your feeling of drowning in the trouble of your life? Then listen in to this message of good news from Jonah 2.
5.26.2019 For the City - Runaway Grace
Are you tired of running? What if you could stop running and rest in the grace of Christ? Listen in as we catch up with Jonah and learn about God's grace for the tired.
5.19.2019 No Need to Knock - Gospel Hospitality
Listen in as we hear Jesus explain what Gospel hospitality is and the marks of a person who experiences His grace.
5.12.2019 No Need to Knock - Hospitality 101
Listen in as Jesus, the greatest teacher in the world, schools us on how to really see our sin and the grandeur of his free forgiveness.
5.5.2019 No Need to Knock - The Hope of Hospitality
Where do you anchor your hope? Listen in to a talk on Genesis 18 where hope in anchored in the laughable grace of God.
4.28.2019 No Need to Knock - Our Hospitable God
Good news was meant to be shared with total strangers. Listen in as we hear about the radical hospitality of God found in Genesis 2.
4.21.2019 The Gospel According to Daniel - Wake Up
When your spiritual alarm goes off do you wake up right away or hit the snooze button? Listen in as we hear about how the resurrection is a wake up call for everyone going through tough times.